Naruto Couples Wiki
The Couple

The Couple[]


BoruJin (ボルジン BoruJin) is the term used to refer to the romantic relationship between Boruto Uzumaki and Inojin Yamanaka.

Their Relationship[]

New Era: Part I[]

Academy Entrance Arc[]

Sarada Uchiha Arc[]

Naruto Shinden: Parent and Child Day[]

School Trip Arc[]

Graduation Exams Arc[]

Genin Mission Arc[]

Byakuya Gang Arc[]

Versus Momoshiki Arc[]

Chōchō Arc[]

Mitsuki's Disappearance Arc[]

One-Tail Escort Arc[]

Time Slip Arc[]

Mujina Bandits Arc[]

Kara Actuation Arc[]

Ao Arc[]

Kawaki Arc[]

Chūnin Re-Examination Arc[]

Kawaki & Himawari Academy Arc[]

Code's Assault Arc[]

Omnipotence Arc[]

New Era: Part II[]

Boruto's Return Arc[]


  • Although Inojin didnt respect Boruto at first, he still came to his rescue when Iwabe nearly killed him. Boruto earned Inojin's respect and the two became good friends after that.
  • They could often be seen hanging out and playing video games together.
  • Inojin, along with Shikadai and Chōchō, went against their orders and betrayed the village to aid Boruto in bringing Mitsuki back.



  • They both have blonde hair and blue eyes and a similar interest in drawing, although Boruto isn't as talented as Inojin.
  • BoruJin is very similar to NaruIno in its appeal, although it also shares similarities to NaruSai given Inojin's barbed tongue and blunt attitude much like his father, and getting on Boruto's bad side during their first meeting just like Sai did when first meeting Naruto.


Unofficial Evidence[]

Among the Fans[]

Its not a popular pairing but it still has supporters. It's rival pairings are ShikaJin, InoSara, InoSumi, and InoHima.

External Links[]

