Naruto Couples Wiki
The Couple

The Couple 

MadaIzu (Japanese マダイズ MadaIzu) the term used to refer to the relationship of Madara Uchiha and Izuna Uchiha.

Their Relationship

Part II

Fated Battle Between Brothers

Fourth Shinobi World War: Climax

Birth of the Ten-Tails' Jinchūriki


  • Izuna looked up to Madara greatly and was even in disbelief when as children, Madara admitted to being weaker than Hashirama.
  • Izuna admires and respects his brother greatly.
  • When the brothers face off the Senju as kids, Izuna was surprised to find a kid stronger than his brother.
  • Izuna gives his eyes to Madara willingfully before his death.
  • Madara stood against Hashirama in order to protect Izuna.
  • Madara's dream was to create a place where he could watch over Izuna.
  • After Izuna's death Madara is shown to go through mental challenges, leading to challenging Hashirama to a last fight.
  • Madara stated that without Izuna, he had nothing to live for.
  • Hashirama confirms that Madara deeply loved Izuna, even more than Itachi loved Sasuke.
  • The two brothers have spent their life together fighting side by side.


Unofficial Evidence

Among the Fans

MadaIzu is a well-known pairing in the Naruto fandom, but is often overlooked by other Madara pairings. This pairing is shipped due to the brother's close relationship and how Izuna has personally affected Madara's well-being in nature.

Their main rival pairing is HashiMada.

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